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2025 SHOOT SIG Match at FRGC

September 13th and 14th -- Bays 2, 3, 4 & 5; Classrooms 1,2,3​​

Much information about the match and the SHOOT SIG program can be found on SIG's site and in the FAQs below. Please contact Tim McCormick at 208-770-0507 for more information.

  • How much does it cost for the match?
    You first need to be a member of the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) which is $35 per year. Visit their website and register here. There are 9 or 10 different classes to shoot in and each entry or pistol you shoot costs $30.
  • How much ammunition should I bring?
    For Each Course of Fire: Glock the Plates is run through 3 times. 11 rounds are allowed. 33 total. 5 to Glock is run through 3 times with 5 targets. 11 rounds are allowed. 33 total. Glock "M" is run through 3 times with 5 targets. 4 paper targets and 1 steel target. 2 shots each paper target and 1 shot on steel target. 11 rounds are allowed. 33 total. This all adds up to 99 rounds so it's safe to say bring 100 rounds per course of fire or per gun you will be shooting.
  • How do I register and view my scores?
    Click here to register online at the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation website and view scores. Initial scores take about a week or two to be posted. As far as prizes go and to see who won pistols and other prizes, those will take a little longer to appear on the website once the initial scores are posted. Just have to keep checking back.
  • How does the sign-in process work?
    You check in and receive stickers for each classification/division your shooting in. You have to take the stickers to each shooting stage, sign-in and mark the time down with a Range Safety Officer in a red vest. Then you go to the stage you want to start shooting at and tell them you are ready. They will then put you down to shoot in the order you signed up. The order is based on what time people first signed in at, not when they arrive and are ready to shoot.Just understand that you cannot walk up and shoot right away, we have to go by the order that people have signed in to that particular stage.
  • How do I get there?
    Click here to get directions to Fernan Rod and Gun Club.
  • What is the weather usually like?
    It's usually very hot so bring plenty of water to keep hydrated!
  • Do I need to bring a lunch?
    There will lunch available to purchase and there are also going to be a few vendors there which we will list here once we get the information.
  • What are the Glock Match rules?
    Visit the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation website for the match rules.
  • What are the range rules?
    Click here to view Fernan Rod and Gun Club range rules.
  • How do I volunteer, when are the practice matches and match setup?"
    We are looking for your help and everyone is welcome to come and help. The stages are going to be the same as last year except there is going to be one more set up for the Glock "M". There will need to be an additional 8 to 10 range safety officers (RSOs) to make this happen so grab a friend and bring them to help. Each day you work you will get a ticket to be in a Glock Pistol Certificated Drawing. These are full days of 8 hours or an entire event if it does not last a full 8 hours. See below for what volunteers we are looking for as well as practice matches and match setup. Email Tim McCormick at or call him at 208-770-0507 and he will get you directed to the right place. We need volunteers for the following: Parking / Signs Food Service RSO's / Timers / Scoring
  • Who is the contact person for this match?
    Tim McCormick 208-770-0507
  • If I come up to stay the weekend for the match, what other things are there to do?
    This year (2022), we have the Historic Wallace Blues Festival happening July 8th and 9th. Also check out Coeur d'Alene Living Local Events for more great local events in the area!
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