All annual dues come due on January 1st of each year.​ See link below to pay ONLINE.
A renewal form is mailed out to all members in the Fall/Winter Newsletter in October of each year. If for any reason you did not receive your newsletter or tossed it away, no problem. You do not have to use the renewal form, it is just a great reminder if you have had a change of address to provide us with that information. But needless to say, if you are a member, you are in the system. Just send a check for the annual dues to:
Fernan Rod and Gun Club
PO Box 1949
Post Falls, ID 83877
Please include any change in contact information such as change of address or phone number.
You can also pay for your membership with credit card by phone.
Call the club office number at: 208-773-3624.
​If paying online, please use the contact info currently associated with you membership, and contact FRGC afterward with any necessary updates:
If we are unable to pick up, please leave a message and we will return your call within 24 hours.
A one month grace period is always provided after the holidays so prox cards will not be deactivated until early February.